  • 期刊


The Tragic Idea behind the Book on Li Kuang in "Shiji" by Sima Qian




司馬遷 李廣 英雄 悲劇


Not only being as a great historian, Sima Qian has also been famous for his literature capacity, especially in writing heroic story for the famous persons during his time. Li Kuang, the great general of the West Han Dynasty, under the pen of Sima Qian in ”Shiji”, has been described as a talented but tragic hero who had no choice but committed suicide to end his life after his marvelous contribution to the Dynasty. His life in ”Shiji” has been described in a very strong sense of tragedy. From western tragic aesthetic discourse, this paper aims to show why and how Sima Qian did to construct this story in such a tone. Nevertheless, according to the discourse of western tragedy, strictly speaking, the story and all the story in Chinese history do not fit into the western tragic model. Thus, the story of Li Kuang, can not be perceived as a tragic hero story at all from the western point of view, but he still is a hero.


Sima Qian (司馬遷) Li Kuang (李廣) hero tragic
