  • 期刊


On the definition of art, the end of art, and their implications for teaching art production in university


藝術之定義一直是美學之重要議題,因藝術現象不斷進展與改變,故哲學家與美學家發展出關於此議題之許多不同觀點。Danto 於1984 年提出「藝術終結」看法後,更引發廣大之爭論,此相關思潮不僅影響台灣的藝術創作者,同時亦衝擊大學藝術教育。大學學生在創作學習時,對藝術定義及與其密切相關之藝術終結問題常感不解,當今之藝術創作者應對這些議題加以探究,才不至因迷惑而產生誤解,甚至讓其誤導自己的創作方向,關於這些問題之探討與一些迷思之釐清,將有利於大學之藝術創作教學。因此本文旨在探討藝術定義之發展、藝術終結議題之緣起、藝術終結之意義,同時據以闡釋這些觀點在大學藝術創作教學之意涵。在藝術定義方面,本文分析早期本質論之定義與二十世紀中葉後反本質之定義。在藝術終結意義方面,本文歸納七項主張且加以討論。最後本文提出三方面之觀點,以引導大學學生之藝術創作學習。


The definition of art has been an important issue in aesthetics. Because the phenomena of art is constantly evolving and changing, philosophers and aestheticians develop many different points of view concerning the issue. After Danto proposed the conception of "the end of art" in1984, it causes many debates. The related thoughts not only influence on Taiwanese artists, but also impact on university art education. University students in learning art production usually feel confused at the definition of art and its closely related problem of the end of art. Art creators nowadays should inquire into these issues so as not to be confused and hence misunderstanding, or even misdirect self's art production. It will be beneficial for art-production instruction in university if these problems are dealt with and some misconceptions clarified. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to deal with the development of art definition, the arising of the issue of the end of art, and the meaning of the end of art. Based on these points, the implications for teaching art production in university are interpreted. In the aspect of the definition of art, this study analyses the earlier essentialist definition, and the anti-essentialist definition after the mid-20^(th) century. As far as the meaning of the end of art is concerned, seven arguments are induced to discuss. Finally, this study proposes three aspects of viewpoints for guiding students' learning art production in university.
