

This paper discusses the interrelationship between quality assurance, institutional research and risk management in the context of higher education. These are three very common themes in the current higher education landscape. It is pointed out that although they originated from different perspectives, they are now converging to adopt similar methodologies. In particular, they share a common feature of increasingly using data to inform decision-making. A more data-driven approach is considered essential for identifying genuine issues that may prevent an institution from achieving its objectives, and important for enhancing transparency and consistency of the deliberation process leading to decision. Using the TEQSA's risk assessment framework as a case study, this paper discusses some of the challenges and opportunities in developing a more data-driven approach to quality assurance. The TEQSA's risk assessment framework is selected because it is probably the first one developed to cover both public and private institutions, and also because TEQSA, as a regulator, has been empowered by legislation to impose conditions on publicly funded universities, including restricting or removing their self-accrediting power. Using publicly available information, the paper looks at the evolution of the framework, and highlights areas of learning that may be useful for developing a more data-driven approach to quality assurance.


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