  • 期刊


The Difference of Leisure Reading between Urban and Rural: Taking Rent Bookstore as a Example




城鄉 休閒閱讀 租書店


Reading is a combination of knowledge and relaxation of leisure activities. Rent bookstore is the existence of urban and rural areas, but urban and rural of reading preferences and ways are different, whether urban and rural use of rent bookstore preferences? This study from the customer point of view, through the customer for the rental bookstore service project attention and satisfaction to explore the differences between urban and rural leisure reading preferences. 241 usable questionnaires were obtained. By using SPSS 22.0, the major findings of this study are: (1) The readers of urban and rural were significantly different in the gender, education, occupation, and consumption frequency. (2) There were significant differences of clean environment, box, light meal, Sell tetra pak or canned drinks, and soup with urban and rural people. (3) Urban and rural leisure readers' books preferences most attention to the novel, the least attention to the magazine. (4) Urban and rural leisure readers for the rental bookstore bright or not and the seat for reading had higher expectations, but lower degree of satisfaction.


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