  • 期刊


Taiwan's Fishery Technology Talents during the Early Post-War Era (1945~1947)


「漁業人才」是臺灣漁業發展的主要動力。戰後初期時值臺灣統治權更替之際,面對日本漁業人才的陸續解除徵用遣返,所造成的漁業發展停滯空窗期,日方所培育的臺灣本土漁業人才,此時成爲了各地漁業重整發展重要的指導主力。過去由官方所主導的「臺灣漁業史」論述架構,不是過份誇飾國民黨政府的有爲領導,就是刻意忽略日治時期相關漁業基礎建設、人才培育和制度管理經營的建構。 因此,本文試圖從教育、產業接收、技術人才等角度切入,透過戰前臺灣與中國的水產教育概況、戰後初期漁業接收、留用與派駐地方之漁業技術人才、戰後初期漁業從業人數之分析等,來討論戰前的中國、日治下的臺灣如何透過水產教育培育基層漁業人才,進而影響到戰後臺灣整體漁業發展?而戰後日籍、臺籍之技術、研究、管理人才、漁業從業者,是如何與來自中國的接收大員及技術官僚合作,進而產生臺、日、中三方匯聚在臺灣的微妙互動合作過程?此三方勢力又是如何實際廣泛影響戰後初期臺灣各地漁業之發展呢?其對戰後初期臺灣漁業發展又有何影響呢?同時也藉此檢視長久以來由官方所主導的「臺灣漁業史」論述框架,重新釐清在戰後初期臺灣漁業重整發展過程中,臺灣本土漁業技術人才到底扮演怎樣之角色?


戰後 漁業 漁業技術人才


The ”Fishery Technology Talent” is the key motivation of Taiwan's fishery development. During the early post-war era, Taiwan was in the stage of regime change and the repatriation of the Japanese fishery talents has resulted in a stagnant period of fishery development. At this time, the local Taiwanese fishery talents cultivated by Japanese have become the main force for guiding the restructuring development of the fishery throughout the island. Nevertheless, the former ”Taiwan Fishery History” theory structure predominated by government either tended to exaggerate KMT government's strong leadership or intentionally ignored the fishery infrastructure under Japanese rule, talent cultivation and the construction of system management. Based on the viewpoints of education, industry takeover and technological talents, this study attempted to discuss how prewar China and Taiwan under Japanese rule cultivated fishery talents through fisheries education and further influenced the overall development of Taiwan's fishery industry according to the overview of the fisheries education in prewar Taiwan and China, fishery industry takeover during the early post-war period, employment and designation of the local fishery technology talents, and the analysis on the number of fishing crafts during the early postwar period. However, how Taiwanese and Japanese skill, research and management talents and fishing crafts cooperated with China takeover and technology teams to form a tricky interaction and cooperative process among Taiwan, Japan and China in Taiwan? How these three powers actually extensively affect the fishery development throughout the island during the early post-war period? Moreover, what are the impacts on Taiwan's fishery development in the early post-war era? In the meantime, this study also reviewed the ”Taiwan Fishery History”, which has been predominated by government for a long time, and re-defined the role of local Taiwanese fishery technology talents through the restructuring process of Taiwan's fishery development in the early post-war era.


