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The Landscape of Taiwan in Zhang Meng-Ji's Poetry




Great differences of Zhang Meng-Ji's poetry about the landscape of Taiwan happened at 1991. During Zhang's earlier period, likely being influenced by the historical background, his poems focused around his concerns about the nation. He used classical poetry "Bi" and "Xing" instead of "Fu" to describe the landscape of Taiwan; his poem, "Central Cross-Island Highway" was a rare exception, though. Moreover, Zhang Meng-Ji's earlier poems contained a lot of implications to fight back to China, which reflected the policy of that time. At his early period, his poetry reflected his astonishment but not admiration towards the special landscape in Taiwan and sometimes even showed that he thought the landscape of Taiwan was inferior to that of China. However, at Zhang's later period, being affected by personal experiences and memories in Taiwan, he appreciated and praised the gorgeous and splendid landscape, even though he still wrote myriad of works to recall the old mainland China. In the late period, Zhang, on the one hand, had described the landscape vividly; on the other hand, he put his emotions in his works and wrote what he thought and felt. In addition, just as what Zhang Meng-Ji had mentioned in his "Role of Jintishi": "The way to compose a work is to repurposing what people had said in words and changed into your words. In doing so, you may not only recapitulate the wisdoms had said, but also show your ability," in Zhang's poetry about Taiwan's landscape, we could observe that he was good at using words of others and changing into his own words. This demonstrated that Zhang was able to combine what he learned from the literature with his writing.
