  • 期刊


Segmenting of Tourists' Motivators in the Lantern Festival: An Example in Penghu




市場區隔 節慶活動 澎湖 觀光


Being used as instruments for promoting tourism and boosting the regional economy, festivals are now a worldwide tourism phenomenon. Consequently, much research, relevant to festivals, are undertaken from a variety of perspectives. However, very few studies related to lantern festival in Penghu have been published. In addition, considering the importance of festival market segmentation as a valuable marketing tool for promotion and understanding segment characteristics based on motivations, this study attempted to segment festival market using a cluster analysis based on delineated motivation factors. A cluster analysis identified three clustered segments for five motivational dimensions (recover equilibrium, socialization and family togetherness, culture and custom exploration, excitement and novelty, and destination and hospitality service experience). Application of discriminant analysis was followed by cluster analysis to demonstrate the accuracy and stability of the cluster classification. The result of the descriminant analysis pinpoints above 92% accuracy of the three clusters. The research also reveals that equilibrium recovery is the most important motivational dimension attracting tourists to the lantern festival in Peghu. Furthermore, most tourists believe that festivals can be designed as a marketing tool to publicize and promote an area or attraction, attract tourists' visiting, generate extra revenue for an area, and encourage community involvement.


Market segmentation Festival Penghu Tourism


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