  • 期刊


The Relationship between Hengchun Region Foreign Affairs in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Construction of Eluanbi Lighthouse (1867-1883)


鵝鑾鼻燈塔是清末臺灣燈樓的指標,其興建過程極為複雜。自同治6年(1867)美國商船羅發號事件發生,李仙得來臺交涉開始,迄同治13年(1874)牡丹社事件日軍侵臺後,清廷始同意興建鵝鑾鼻燈塔,由當時的海關總稅務司赫 德統籌規劃。光緒元年(1875)赫德派人自龜仔角社民手中購買南岬土地,7年(1881)動工,9年(1883)正式啟用,從燈塔興建開始至完成之後,皆派駐官兵護衛,鵝鑾鼻燈塔的建築構造形同一座堅固的要塞,深具防番的功能,亦適切 反映出原住民問題依舊是官府的重要課題。故審度清末恆春縣重要建物鵝鑾鼻燈塔的興建背景,幾乎與當時的美、日兩國脫離不了關聯,其重要性不言而喻。


Eluanbi Lighthouse, the beacon of Taiwan Floor Lamp in the late Qing Dynasty, whose construction process is extremely complicated. It all started with the Rover Incident of American Ship, Charles Le Gendre visiting Taiwan and negotiating the affairs in the sixth year of Tongzhi’s reign (1867).Up to Tongzhi thirteenth year (1874) , Peony Society Events Japanese invasion of Taiwan arose, the Qing government have agreed to build Eluanbi Lighthouse, whose overall planning was designed by Robert Hart, the general customs commissioner at that time. In the first year of Guangxu (1875), Hart sent his people to purchase the Southern Cape from the leagues of Kuie Chia Chiao Community, in the seventh year of Guangxu (1881), the government started to construct the lighthouse and it was completed and put into formal use in the next two years (1883). From the beginning to the end of the construction of the lighthouse, there were soldiers to safeguard it, The shape of the lighthouse was similar to a strong fortress, deeply have the function of guarding against aboriginal tribes. It also appropriateiy reflected the aborigines issues was still an important issue of the official. In consequence, the study of the construction background of the Eluanbi Lighthouse, an important building in late Qing Dynasty, located in Hengchun County reflected the historical impacts of America and Japan at that time. As well the importance of this issue can not be undervalued.


