  • 期刊


Delineation and management of Designated Soil and Water Conservation Area in Taiwan


台灣山多坡陡、河川短促、地質脆弱,每逢颱風豪雨,容易發生山崩、地滑、土石流等土砂災害,目前全省依災害防救法公布之土石流潛勢溪流多達1,687 條,主要用於推動防災工作,提供民眾疏散防災使用,對於水土保育有嚴重影響,亟須加強水土保持處理維護之地區,經主管機關提報建議劃定為特定水土保持區,以保護重要公共設施及鄰近地區聚落、人民生命財產安全。本研究依據國內特定水土保持區相關法源規定,說明特定土水持保區現況劃定執行過程及遭遇困難進行探討,並在安全前提下研擬減少劃定爭議及降低可能的災害衝擊,以因應整體性風險管理,落實劃定地區之治理及管理措施,乃當務之急期望國內的特定水土保持區能更加完整及完善。


Taiwan's mountainous and steep river short, fragile geology, whenever the typhoon torrential rain, prone to landslides, slip, landslides and other disasters, earth and sand. Current full by Disaster Prevention and Response Act would be potential debris flow torrent up to 1,687 primarily for preparedness for citizens evacuation preparedness on Soil and Water Conservation preservation have serious effects, and to enhance Soil and Water Conservation processing maintenance of regions and authorities to report it is recommended that proper scoping to specific Soil and Water Conservation area to protect critical public utilities and neighborhood come together life property security. The study was conducted by country Designated Soil and Water Conservation area related to power requirements and describes the specific ripper water-post area is proper scoping implementation process and difficult to discuss and the security provided the developing reduce proper scoping exercise and reduce possible disasters impact to meet overall security risk management to ensure proper scoping of governance and management measures, is imperative expectations country Designated Soil and Water Conservation area to more complete and perfect.
