  • 期刊


The Properties of Antecedent Rainfall for Three Distinct Rainfall Patterns


本研究於2020年8月至2021年8月採用都卜勒雷達雨量計(R)及傾斗式自記雨量儀(T)於國立屏東科技大學教學氣象站進行降雨量觀測,配合對流雨、地形雨及鋒面雨等不同降雨型態來探討臨前降雨之特性。經整理分析獲致以下結果:R觀測降雨量(RP)有偏低於T觀測降雨量(TP);當對流雨、地形雨及鋒面雨下之降雨強度分別大於11.1 mm/hr、1.4 mm/hr及2.4 mm/hr時,RP有偏低於TP之趨勢;其臨前降雨時間及臨前降雨量分別為:(5 min/0.9 mm)(34 min/0.3 mm)(58min/2.7 mm)。


時間差 臨前降雨


The study focus on the tow distinct rain gauges include Doppler radar and tipping bucket to measure rainfall, all the data were collected from August 2020 to August 2021, at the educational meteorology station of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. The properties of antecedent rainfall had shown by time deficit, rainfall amount and rainfall intensity, for the rainfall pattern of convective, topographic and frontal, respectively. The results had summarized as: to use Doppler radar and tipping bucket measure rainfall, could find the former was less than latter within rainfall intensity was more than 11.1, 1.4 and 2.4 mm/hr under rainfall pattern of convective, topographic and frontal, meanwhile the time deficit/ rainfall amount of antecedent rainfall were describe as follow (5 min/0.9 mm), (34 min/0.3 mm) and (58 min/2.7 mm).


Time deficit Antecedent rainfall


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