  • 期刊


Petöfi Sándor: In the Accepted Sight of China Take the Translation and Interpretation of His Poem "Motto" as an Example


如果把文學翻譯視為一種特定意義上的寫作,那麼,某些外國作家及其作品在現代中國的翻譯實踐中所受的特別關注和特殊境遇,應該可以折射出某種文學精神傳統在中國現代文學中的存在與延續,也可以從某個層面反映出時代或民族文學的性格特點,尤其當這些翻譯和闡釋者又大多一身二任,即在中國現代文學史上,他們既是重要的文學翻譯家,又是重要作家和文學活動家的時候。如果有必要以某種方式把現代翻譯文學史納入中國現代文學史的敘述,類似這樣的個案或許應該加以特別關注。本文以匈牙利詩人裴多菲.山陀爾(Petöfi Sándor,1823-1849)的「格言詩」在現代中國的持續翻譯、評價及其影響為中心,通過對不同時期不同身份的譯者對其迻譯與闡釋方式的分析,觀照其在中國文化語境中對塑造詩人裴多菲形象所起的特殊作用,分析裴多菲形象在跨文化流傳中所發生的變異,以此管窺其所折射的中國現代文化與文學的時代與民族特徵。


If literary translation can be taken as writing, special attention and reception given to some foreign authors in modern China might reflect the existence and continuation of certain spiritual tradition in Chinese literature, and reflect certain national and historical characteristics of Chinese literature, especially when the important translators were at the same time crucial writers and literary activists as they were in modern history of Chinese literature. We can make certain discoveries if we put translated literature in modern time into literary history of China. The paper studies Hungarian poet Petöfi Sándor's translation in modern China and his influence by focusing on the consistent translation and interpretation and influence of his ”Motto.” It studies identities of the translators and the methods of their translation and interpretation to reveal their role in reshaping Petöfi Sándor in Chinese cultural context, the variation in Petöfi Sándor's transcultural travel, and the national and historical characteristic of modern Chinese culture and literature.
