  • 期刊


From Micro Viewpoint to Verify the Logic of the Dynamic Model for Human Behavior and Decision-Making-A Case Study of Wii's Innovative Process


現代管理學大師杜拉克(Peter F. Drucker)有句名言:「不創新,即滅亡」,已為當今企業奉為圭臬。創新是企業生存、成長、獲利及永續經營的不二法門。過去已有部分文獻以創新動態學,從「宏觀」角度來分析企業的創新過程。本研究從「微觀」角度以游伯龍的人類行為(決策)動態模式,深入解析企業研發出新產品的腦心運作過程。研究結果顯示,此一動態模式具邏輯性,將可在企業創新過程中,協助思考以研發出新產品。


Peter F. Drucker, the modern management master, noted that ”Innovate or Perish”. This verse has become the current enterprises' bible. Innovation is the only way for enterprises of surviving, growing, profiting and continuous running.Some early studies have used Innovation Dynamics from macro viewpoint to analyze enterprises' innovative process. Nonetheless, the present study, from micro viewpoint, use the dynamic model for human behavior and decision-making proposed by Po-Lung Yu to investigate the detail interactive process between brains and mind as developing new products. The result shows that this dynamic model is logical and can be used as a tool to help enterprises thinking during the innovative process.
