  • 期刊


A Creative Teaching in Modern Poetry with Integration of Habitual Domain Theory




In teaching literature appreciation, the most challenging subject is to teach students how to appreciate modern poetry. Modern poetry is usually written in the form of conciseness with a few words and phrases. So, it is an easy job for students to finish reading a modern poem. However, the most challenging thing, I think, is how to stimulate students’ interest in reading modern poetry; how to let reading poetry get connected with their brain & nervous system like a communication network in a central computer; how to lead students to get into the world of modern poetry through mobilizing their concentration and imagination; how to tenderly relieve students’ fear of reading and writing poetry. To overcome all these challenges, I encouraged and invited students to write poems for contribution to newspaper, journal, or magazine. The students with poems published will be rewarded with an easy pass in the subject without having to take examinations or to submit term paper. The reward is to motivate them to write. Then, the problem we are going to face is how to use limited quantity of words and phrases to create poetry. The strategy I adopted is collage techniques. Students were encouraged to get inspired by other writers’ sophisticated or well-structured sentences. In such circumstance, they can explore creativity without the constraints of plot, grammar or syntax. There was much chatter, much laughter, and many collage poems were created in the process of brainstorming. This is an effective way to wipe out students' embedded impression that modern poetry is erudite and esoteric. The major concern of this paper focuses on my creative teaching in classroom with integration of habitual domain theory.
