  • 期刊


To Embrace Taipei 101 without Litter: How Habitual Domain Theory Makes Mission Impossible Possible?


本文旨在以「習慣領域」學說之原理與策略法則,應用在「笑擁101‧垃圾0落地」教學活動上,並以「內容分析法」分析媒體的報導內容,以探討此教學活動之成果。研究發現:此教學活動確實可印證「習慣領域」學說中,由「潛在領域」的探討著手,以及從「習慣領域」諸項策略法則的應用下,可以有效引導大學生對環保活動的興趣與投入,甚至有助於轉化他們的個人形象與社會大眾的習慣。未來應用與研究建議:繼續拓展「習慣領域」學說在環保議題之社會應用性,並將台灣首創「地球夜」(Earth Eve)之理念,向國際環保學術界上傳播。


The paper aims to evaluate a general education course which later led to an environmental social movement known as ”No Litter Left After 101 New Year's Eve” based on the Habitual Domain Theory. The study conducts a series of content analysis as methodology to analyze news coverage of this course by documenting its process and impact on students. It is found that as a result of the implicit transformation aroused by one's Potential Domain during the class, students became more aware of environmental issues and then actively engaged in social movement such as the New Year's Initiative. The result shows that the Habitual Domain Theory can facilitate student attitude and action change toward environmental issues and will shed light on literature as well as practice.
