  • 期刊


Break Through Speaking Habits and Start a Happy Life




幸福 習慣領域 溝通 說話習慣


The main purpose of the article is to elaborate that speaking is an important habit and the habitual domains theory helps to effectively establish speaking habits that bring happiness to our life. This article links the habitual domains theory to speaking with happiness. First of all, we define speaking as a habit. We demonstrate that the method to happiness starts from good speaking. Second, we explain that "reciprocation behavior" is one of the human nature according the habitual domains theory, it is the feature of communication. It is advice that we should start from ourselves to build positive conversation cycle. The bright faith of habitual domains is that we should always be thankful, always appreciate what others have done for us. Thankfulness and appreciation are as well the methods to speak with happiness. In the article, we explain how we praise others as specific as we can. Habitual domains theory emphasize that everyone is priceless, so do not let "irrational words" from inside hurt yourself, this is an important speaking habit to protect yourself. We should also learn from master how to cultivate a good speaking habit in order to live a happy life. Finally, we encourage everyone to practice and cultivate good speaking habits in daily life.
