  • 期刊

A Comparative Research on Academic Vocabulary in the Abstracts of the IBM Journals



世界潮流不斷地變遷,英文學術用字的發展與演進亦隨著時代的更迭而持續地改變。對於大多數非英語系國家的大學研究生而言,運用最適當的英文字彙撰寫學術論文尤其困難。本文旨在探討國內外商業及管理國際期刊摘要用字之趨勢與變遷,進而比較商管國際期刊摘要用字與Coxhead(1998)所整理的「學術用字表」(AWL)之差異。為了深入探知近五年來英文期刊摘要用字的趨勢與變遷,本研究從國內外四種知名國際期刊中,選取320篇英文摘要,並以加拿大Compleat Lexical Tutor的「字彙描述」(Vocabprofile)為分析工具,加以整理和比較商管英文期刊的摘要寫作用字情形。本研究發現Coxhead的學術用字表,有四分之三以上的字,經常被運用於商管國際期刊的論文摘要寫作中。此外,本研究所建構的國際商管語料庫(IBM Corpus)亦為另一項重要的貢獻,因為該語料庫可提供我國商管背景的研究生撰寫學術論文摘要之參考。


Coping with the changing world trend, the development and evaluation of the academic words might have been continuously transferring with time. For the majority of non-native English speakers (NNS), it is especially difficult to use the relevant diction while writing academic papers or theses in English. The main purpose of this study is to explore the differences and transformations of academic words used in the English abstracts of both domestic and foreign journals in the academic fields of business and management. To insight the current academic vocabulary used in the journal papers of the international business and management (IBM), 320 pieces of English abstracts from four selected journals were collected for conducting further analyses and comparison. The ”Vocabprofile” of the Compleat Lexical Tutor was adopted as a useful tool to analyze the academic words used in both domestic and foreign journals during the past five years. This study found that more than three fourths of the academic words in the Academic Word List (AWL) recommended by Coxhead's (1998) study were commonly used in the IBM journals. An updated IBM corpus was also established for the ESL/EFL graduate students to facilitate their writing English academic papers or theses.
