

The characteristics of sport involvement are what people who are actively or passively participating to sport activities for a purpose of fulfilling their needs through a given sport (Snyder & Spreitzer, 1989). The main reasons of getting involved in sport for most people may be striving for healthiness, improving sport skills, excellence in sport, or even enjoying themselves. Along with the main reasons, sport can lead participants up to social and personal skill improvement, for instances, self-discipline, self-esteem, human relationship, working as a team, or even self-confident. For passive participating, spectators or sport fans can share their love and joy through watching television at home or being spectators at the sport venues for relaxation, entertaining, or getting an emotion of winning or losing through their loving team. Sport is considered as unique service, since sport can remove the differences in culture, geographic barriers, rich and poor, and young and old. With foundation of involvement, people who are related to sport activities are highly interested in sport identification and emotional attachment (Lagae, 2005). The fascinating aspects of sport could be found in subjective manners, situational and emotional intelligence, excitement, and game results with unpredictability. As a result, sport involvement can be founded on the contribution of sport itself that what the people who are involved in meeting the needs of the sport consumers more or less.



