  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Using Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity to Improve Agricultural Yield in Iran


Iran is one of the most popular countries in the Middle East and the huge amount of population needs a great deal of food. Some problems of Iran agriculture were discussed in the study. Iran has saline soil, dry climate and high climatic variation in different regions. For these reasons, Iranian farmers must be able to produce food not only for native people but also for the other people of the world enabling them to compete with the foreign farmers. For having a sustainable agriculture it is needed to know the soil characteristics, shortages and abilities. Apparent soil electrical conductivity was used for field scale application for measuring soil salinity, cation exchange capacity, soil water content and soil temperature. Apparent soil electrical conductivity is a quick, reliable and easy-to-take soil measurement than often relates to crop yield. Therefore, measurement of EC(subscript a) is a frequently used tool in precision agriculture research that can improve agricultural yield.
