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Novel Sub-carriers Iterative Restructuring Method in OFDM: Toward Extra Equalization Omitted


This study considered a receiver equalization problem in wireless communication area. Receiver equalizations in OFDM proceeding through sub-carriers variedness in frequency guarantee transmit system bit error rate thus are essential. E.g., Zero-Forcing (ZF) equalization, Minimal Mean Square Equalization (MMSE), which can also be considered as channel Estimation (EE) and detection schemes. However, some methods like adaptive equalizations must count priority transceiver information thus may be not practical although they raise performances for receiver. This study considers equalization and detection problems through a sub-carriers restructuring method to omit any complicated extra equalization in receiver except ZF equalization following the elemental LS channel estimation. Optimal constraints model is utilized which leads to an optimal sub-carriers derivation, moreover, we iteratively set up constraints model and give derivation, then under our new sub-carriers no extra equalization is needed. Simulations verify the novel method can approach MMSE equalization although it may bring transceiver complexity.
