

Biometric authentication is gaining popularity in the current scenario. Biometric based authentication is the science of using physical or behavioral characteristic for ensuring that the person is the claimed identity. Biometric authentication system is also vulnerable to attacks in various phases. The biometric data stored in the template has to be protected, since variety of attacks like circumvent, covert acquisition affects the normal functioning of the system. An attacker may create new biometric data or steal the template or modify the template. Once the biometric template is compromised then the entire system is lost. So securing biometric template is an important aspect in biometric authentication system. In this study ear biometric template is secured by a new method of generating bio key from the ear fused template. Here the transformed template is stored in the database. During verification phase, for the new biometric sample a bio key is generated. Using this bio key the person is authenticated if the transformed feature generated is matched with the stored one. Hence the template is protected with the bio key. The authenticated person alone can access the system, since the key to decrypt the encrypted template is obtained from the ear trait of the authenticated person. FAR and FRR are used to evaluate the system performance.
