  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Effect of Diets on the Biochemical Changes of Fattened Commercially Important Crab Portuns sanguinolentus (Herbst)


Among 5 feeds used in the present study, combined feed showed highest percentage of protein (54.28%) and lowest was in clam meat (45.41%). The percentage of carbohydrate was highest in the trash fish (6.03%) and lowest in poultry waste (4.15%). The percentage of lipid was highest in trash fish (4.02%) and lowest in poultry waste (3.0%). Regarding ash content, combined feed showed the maximum of 15.98% and the minimum of 14.32% was in vegetables. The gross energy content was high in combined feed (2.91 kcal/g) and lower in vegetables (2.10 kcal/g)). The water crabs offered with poultry waste showed significantly higher weight gain (25 g). However it was lower when the animals fed with vegetables (5 g). The crabs were hardened significantly in very short duration when they were fed with poultry waste (7 days). But the animals were took long duration when fed with clam meat (17 days). The animals consumed significantly less amount (50 g) of vegetables and they were consumed maximum amount of poultry waste (90 g). Survival was noticed 100% for all feeds were offered with P. sanguinolentus. The protein content of the crabs offered with combined feed was maximum (41.08%) and poultry waste fed animals was minimum (37.29%). The carbohydrate content of the P. sanguinolentus fed with all feeds did not show significant difference. The lipid content of the experimental crabs was more or less same for all feeds. No significant difference was noticed with reference to ash content of the crabs fed with different feeds. The moisture content of the combined feed, trash fish and vegetables offered animals showed higher values rather than other feeds.
