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Estimating the Determinants of Poverty Depth among the Peri-Urban Farmers in Nigeria


This study estimated the determinants of poverty depth among the peri-urban farmers in Nigeria using farm level data from randomly sampled 389 peri-urban farmers in Benue State, Nigeria. Data collected for the study were analysed using Tobit regression model. The study showed that 71.1% variation in poverty depth was explained by variations in the specified explanatory variables. Furthermore, at 5% level of significance, the factors that significantly influenced poverty depth among the respondents were farm total economic efficiency, household income, farm size, household size, age, education, farming experience, access to credit, gainful employment for household members, membership of farmer association, extension contact and valuable farm asset. However, a sustained improvement in farm total economic efficiency and per capita income (via gainful employment opportunities for household members), as well as redistribution of household income to minimize income inequality would go a long way to reduce poverty depth among the respondents. Furthermore, improved farmers' access to technological information and collective farmers' institutions that provide opportunities for risk sharing and improved bargaining power that are not available to individual farmers, will lead to poverty reduction. Improvement in the educational opportunities of the farmers will lead to increased income from farming and improvement in the quality of life and hence poverty reduction.
