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Rent Regulation in Jamaica: Socialist Past, Global reality, Inaction and the Working Class


Empirical evidence has established the association between rent control and crises such as oil and World wars; yet the Jamaican governments have not reintroduced rent control and updated the Rent Restriction Act despite global recession, oil and food crises and increased poverty. The objectives of this work are: 1) To conduct a documentary analysis of prior research on the extent of the problem, and these will provide an understanding and a content for the current work; 2) To identify the issues/concerns of the Rent Restriction Act; 3) To assess the issues/concerns of the Rent Restriction Act, and 4) Drawing on the knowledge of Rent Restriction Act, recommend policies or measures that can be instituted to address changes in the framework in Jamaica. The current work used mixed method approach, phenomenology and survey research. Landlords indicated that they had more right than for tenants; their complaints were the non-payment of rent; were more knowledge of Rent Restriction Act than the tenants and the majority of them did not answer the question on “Have you ever had a case where the Act was referred to?” Two times more males were knowledge about the Rent Restriction Act than that of female; more males indicated that they had rights than that of females, less females’ problem was harassment than that of males; more males gave the Rent Restriction Act a good rating compared to females and 3.5 times more males believed that the Rent Restriction Act was relevant in contemporary Jamaica. The findings provide understanding of the issues, and can be used to aid policy formulation.
