  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Lipid Profile in Diabetes Mellitus; What Impact Has Age and Duration


Diabetes Mellitus has been known to be associated with lipid disorders and cardiovascular complications. The age of the patient and duration of ailment has been variously believed to influence the lipid Pattern. This study was conducted on out-patients of Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (ISTH), Irrua to evaluate the impact of age and Duration of illness on lipid Profile in Diabetes Mellitus. One hundred and four (104) patients, 52 males, and 52 females were included in the study conducted from January through October 2010. The patients were clinically assessed and brief history taken with the aid of questionnaire. The lipid parameters studied were Triglycerides, Total cholesterol, Low Density lipoprotein and High Density lipoprotein. There were anomalies in lipid profile whose pattern did not skew to any age group nor duration of illness (p>0.05). In Diabetes mellitus age and duration of illness are not reliable indices for lipid profile prediction.


Age diabetes mellitus duration lipid profile
