  • 期刊

Bilingual Maintenance and Bicultural Identity Development --- Case Study of Second-Generation Chinese American Teachers in Southern California



本社會語言學研究旨在以分別任教於美國南加州主流中小學與僑校之第二代美籍華裔教師為例,就社會、文化、語言學角度,探討影響其雙語能力及跨文化認同發展。以中英雙語自評量表、問卷、訪談的方式,先檢驗七位第二代美籍華裔教師案例之雙語能力。再以「案例研究」(case study)理論架構出發,進一步歸納影響這些案例在雙語能力及跨文化認同發展的個別因素。僑民教育歷經數十年的發展,至今仍有許多當務議題。而就在此際,二代美籍華裔也已長大成人,其中並有人投身華教。本文目的即在發掘第二代美籍華裔華語/雙語教師之養成背景、學習經驗,以及他們目前擔任教職所面臨的挑戰。藉由七位教師的個案研究,佐以兩位家長、一位校長的深度訪談,本研究發現七位教師案例各憑本事地發展出華語/雙語教師的專業能力與多元文化認同。本研究為僑民教育與國際語言教育提出新的討論面向。新一代華裔教師已在雙語能力、跨文化認同、以英語為重的學習環境、社會喜好、華語教學等議題有了更多元、開放的發展,但也同時面臨因美國教育政策修改、學生學習評量方式不一,以及家長期待各異等議題所帶來的挑戰。


The purpose of this sociolinguistic study is to explore social, cultural, and linguistic factors that may contribute to the bilingual maintenance and bicultural identity development among the second-generation Chinese Americans who currently teach Chinese at the US main-stream schools and the overseas Chinese schools in southern California. This study examines Chinese and English language proficiency levels of the second-generation Chinese-American teachers in a bicultural context. The study also seeks to determine which influences led these individuals to their particular successful or unsuccessful teaching outcomes. The overseas-Chinese education (僑民教育) has been promoted for decades. While there are still many hot topics about the learning of the younger-generation overseas-Chinese, some of them already grew up and devoted themselves to bilingual teaching. What are their backgrounds? What kinds of learning experience did they have? What kinds of teaching issues are they facing? The researcher develops questionnaires and conducts multiple interviews to elicit qualitative data from seven teachers. In addition to exploring perceptions of adult decision-makers, two parents and one principal are also interviewed in this study. Through case studies, we see how these second-generation Chinese Americans present themselves and produce versions and identities to support themselves as English-Chinese bilingual teachers. This study brings up some new discussions about overseas Chinese education and international language education. It shows that these Chinese American teachers have been developing new considerations regarding bi-cultural identity, language shift, pro-English learning environment, social preference, and Chinese-teaching experience. Meanwhile however they are facing challenges brought by the changes of the American educational policies, the inconsistency of performance assessment, and the different expectations from the parents.


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