  • 期刊


Land Trust in Indigenous Land Reform




From the history of the development of land trust, land trust have alleviated the rigor of current laws to achieve various social purposes. The idea of applying land trust to indigenous land proposed in this paper is based on the flexibility of operation and the function of social reform of land trust. Indigenous owners and users can use land trust to obtain funds and technology from the mainstream society to engage in land development without losing their rights and interests, to prevent long-standing illegal transactions on the land, to develop new tribal economies, and to promote indigenous land reform. In order to explain the above ideas, this paper first analyzes the defects of the indigenous land system, and points out the current orientation and issues of indigenous land reform. Secondly, according to the function and characteristics of the operation of land trust, it analyzes the merits of land trust in solving the defects of the indigenous land system and in practicing the ideal of reform.


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