  • 期刊


A Proposed Interaction Model to Foster Positive Development in Indigenous Youth: Implications from the Positive Youth Development Perspectives


本篇研究引用正向少年發展論點(Positive Youth Development perspectives),透過訪談六位具正向成人特質的老師與社工,系統性整理其長期與原住民族少年工作的經驗,整理出符合正向少年發展論點的互動模式,包含(一)工作者如何切合少年特質,與(二)促進因應能力養成的互動樣態與形式兩個主題。研究結果發現當老師或社工能深入原住民族少年的脈絡,理解少年的生活、文化、行為背景,且創造持續、穩定、正向、安全的互動,並運用生活中任何小事與少年對話,在互動對話中讓少年練習分辨、分析與表達,包含分辨自己的情緒與來源、分辨是外界或來自內在的看法、分辨自己在意的是什麼、分析與自己的關聯性與後果、表達自己等認知與情緒能力,這些在少年時期所裝備的分辨、分析、表達的認知、情緒能力將能協助原住民族少年的適應。本篇論文提出具體實務整理與建議,希望能協助原住民族少年從日常困境累積因應結構性不平等的能力,也希望研究結果能供社會工作或教育領域的少年實務工作者及政策制定者參考。


Using the Positive Youth Development (PYD) perspectives, this study systematically analyzed interviews from six educators and social workers. The interviewees possessed the quality of positive adults and had years of experience working with indigenous youth. This study found two themes relating to the PYD perspectives: (1) ways to "fit" the characteristics of specific youth, and (2) the mode and content of interactions that might foster coping capacities in indigenous youth. Specifically, our interviewees encourage educators or social workers to (1) immerse themselves in the socio-cultural and personal lives of the youth, (2) create prolong stable, positive, and secure relationships with youth, and (3) make use of any opportunity to converse with youth and through which to cultivate youth's cognitive and affective abilities. These cognitive and affective abilities, such as understanding own emotional state and triggers, distinguishing between external opinions and internal voices, clarifying what is most important, or analyzing consequences and impact of specific events, might assist indigenous youth in their adjustment. Practice implications and recommendations are discussed, aiming to assist indigenous youth's response to structural disparities by developing skillsets needed to cope with daily struggles or adverse events. Results of this study may also provide insights to practitioners and policy makers in the field of education or social work.


王仕圖、吳慧敏。2003。 <深度訪談與案例演練)收於齊力、林本炫(編)《質性研究方法與資料分析》頁97-116。嘉義縣:南華教育社會學所。
內政部統計處。2020。〈山地原住民生命表〉(https://www.moi.gov.tw/files/site_node_file/8701/107%e5%b9%b4%e5%bl%bl%e5%9c%b0%e5%8e%9f%e4%bd%8f%e6%b0%91.PDF)(2020/9/11 )
