  • 期刊


A Study of Copyright Awareness and Pirate Software Behaviors of University Students


電腦的快速數位複製特性,使得電腦網路的使用者可以享受資訊科技帶來的便利,這些資訊不論是文字、圖形、聲音或影片,只要滑鼠一點,不會有任何阻礙,隨手即可獲得,既方便又快速,但是伴隨而來的可能是侵害了他人的著作權,使得侵犯軟體著作權的問題急速增加。大學生是目前使用電腦最普遍的族群,侵犯軟體著作權的事件也層出不窮,因此及早瞭解大學生對著作權的認知,藉由學校老師教學,引導規劃和提供適當的課程和研習,導正大學生對侵犯軟體著作權的觀念和行為,是大學階段教育中重要的議題。本研究由研究者參考相關研究編製問卷,以576名大學生為研究對象,進行與著作權相關之問卷填答。依據問卷調查結果,得到如下的結論:一、大學生的電腦專業知能表現和道德態度均為中等程度,同儕對盜版態度為中等偏高,對著作權的認知有強化的空間,大學生侵犯軟體著作權的頻率並不太高。二、大學生的電腦專業知能和同儕對盜版態度與侵犯軟體著作權行為間,有顯著正相關,大學生的道德態度和對著作權的認知與侵犯軟體著作權行為呈現顯著負相關。三、男大學生在電腦專業知能、同儕對盜版態度和侵犯軟體著作權行為,顯著高於女大學生。女大學生的道德態度和對著作權的認知則顯著高於男大學生。四、大一的大學生對著作權的認知顯著高於大四的大學生,大四的大學生侵犯軟體著作權行為顯著高於大一的大學生。不同級別的大學生在電腦專業知能、道德態度、同儕對盜版態度上則沒 有顯著差異。藉由本研究的探究,希望能對大學生著作權認知有深入的瞭解,研究結果可作為規劃大學在推動資訊倫理或著作權教學時之參考。


The unique characteristic of computer makes internet browsers easy to reproduce information, no matter it is text, graphs, audio or video; as easy as one click on the mouse, one can obtain the information easily and rapidly without any difficulty. However, the following consequences are the violation of others' copyright, which makes the issue of software piracy increase significantly. Majority of university students use computer daily, thus they are also the group of people that encounter software privacy issues the most. Therefore to understand their copyright awareness and pirate software behavior is very important. The subjects are 576 university students to fill out the questionnaires. The research results are as followings: 1. The computer competence and moral attitudes of university students are moderate, peer attitudes of pirate are medium-high, copyright awareness needs to strengthen and the frequency of pirate software behavior is not too high. 2. There is significant positive correlation between computer competence, peer attitudes of pirate and pirate software behavior. There is significant negative correlation between moral attitudes, copyright awareness and pirate software behavior. 3. Male university students in computer competence, peer attitudes of pirate and pirate software behavior is significantly higher than the female university students. Moral attitudes and copyright awareness of female university students is significantly higher than male university students. 4. Freshman university student in copyright awareness is significantly higher than senior university students, senior university students in pirate software behavior is significantly higher than freshman university students. There is no significant difference between different levels of students in computer competence, moral attitudes, peer attitude of pirate.


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台灣網路資訊中心 (2012)。2012年台灣寬頻網路使用調查報告。取自http://www.twnic.net.tw/


