  • 期刊


An investigate study of research misconduct behavior of graduate students


本研究目的在瞭解研究生對各項研究不當行為嚴重性的看法及他們的研究不當行為,並探討他們認為造成這些研究不當行為的可能原因。本研究以調查方式,359 位研究生為調查對象,透過研究者自編的「研究不當行為調查問卷」,瞭解研究生對各項研究不當行為嚴重性的看法及自我評估他們的研究不當行為,及他們認為造成這些研究不當行為的可能原因。本研究獲致結論如下:一、有八成以上的研究生認為在研究過程中,如「捏造研究結果數據資料」、「捏造受試對象、研究程序或相關資料」、「在簡歷中捏造自己發表的論文或研討會著作」和「為了符合研究假設或理論依據,而去修改數據或相關資訊」等,是較嚴重的研究不當行為。二、約有兩到三成的研究生自己評估認為他們曾偶而會有研究不當行為,如「將研究方法修改成比實際執行情形還嚴謹」、「僅挑選符合研究假設的部分統計數據資料」和「沒有清楚呈現可以協助其他人從事類似研究時所需的資訊(如:相關文獻、研究方法、受試者等)」。三、取得學位的壓力、撰寫論文時間的壓力和論文的發表是獲得學位的必要條件,這三項是研究生認為最可能造成研究不當行為發生的原因。


The purposes of this study is aim to understand graduate students' attitudes towards research misconduct, their inappropriate behaviors and the reasons behind that misconduct. By using 'research misconduct questionnaire, the researcher survey 359 graduate students, to understand their attitudes towards research misconduct, their inappropriate behaviors and the reasons behind that misconduct. The research results are as following: 1. Over 80% graduate students considered 'fabricate research data', 'fabricate research subjects, procedures or other information', 'fabricate published paper in resume' and 'modify data or relevant information to support predetermined hypothesis or theory' are most serious research misconduct behaviors. 2. About 20% to 30% graduate students admitted themselves that on rare occasions have some research misconduct behaviors, such as : 'modify methodological terms appear more rigorous than it in fact', 'select certain statistical data in preference to others only because they confirm a research hypothesis', and 'fail to mention information likely to help other researchers pursuing the same type of research'. 3. The pressure of obtaining a degree, the time pressure of writing thesis and the pressure of publishing paper were considered by graduate students as top three reasons of research misconduct.


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李世光(2011)。學術研究與道德責任:進入學術領域的第一課。取自牛頓蘋果樹月刊報導,http://ctld.nctu.edu.tw/appletree/page2_1.aspx?id= 1aa8fe8a-705b-491c-be08-b10dffd498a7
教育部(2015)。教育統計(103 年版)。取自http://www.edu.tw/pages/detail.aspx?Node=4075&Page=20046&Index=5&WID=31d75a44-efff-4c44-a075-15a9eb7aecdf\
