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The Development of a Perceived Pressure Scale for New Nursing Staff: A Pilot Study


背景及目的:新進護理人員因壓力大導致高離職率備受重視。本研究目的為發展一個簡單且具有信效度之量表,以評估新進護理人員壓力感受。方法:本研究分為三階段進行:第一階段為實地觀察及訪談新進護理人員,收集相關資料。第二階段為進行兩次焦點團體,分析其內容後,形成護理人員壓力感受量表。壓力項目涵蓋個人能力、工作量、人際溝通、工作環境、專業角色等五個層面計16題,以及單一整體性壓力1題,做為評估效標關聯效度的指標,共計17題。使用視覺類比量尺(visual analog scale)進行測量。第三階段進行量表信效度檢定,採立意取樣方式,以某區域教學醫院45名新進護理人員為研究對象。結果:研究結果顯示量表內部一致性信度係數Cronbach's Alpha為.94,效標關聯效度為.83,顯示量表具有良好之信效度。護理人員之整體壓力程度平均為63.84 ± 19.91。討論:本壓力感受量表共17題,涵蓋五個層面,相較於國內外之護理人員壓力量表更為精簡,為一簡單且具信效度之量表。未來研究將以本前驅研究為基礎,進行因素分析,以檢定其建構效度及因素結構,並測量再測信度,以確定量表之穩定性。


Background and Purpose: It is well recognized that ”stress pressure” is the chief contributing factor associated with the high turnover rate for the new nursing staffs in the hospital. The specific aim of this pilot study is to establish a simple and can be deleted reliable instrument to assess the stress perception for the new nursing staffs.Method: The research was conducted in three stages: Firstly, information were collected through direct on-site observations on the job performance and followed by interviewing with the designated studying subjects. Secondly, focus group were processed twice to analyze data and the instrument of new nursing staff stress was established based these data. The strength item contain includes personal ability, workload, relationship, work environment, and professional role totally includes sixteen items in five-part item. The seventeenth item was whole stress. Lastly, 45 participants from a local teaching hospital were sampled and asked to fill out the questionnaire using a visual analog scale. The information gathered will then be analyzed in order to test the reliability of this proposed stress-based questionnaire.Result: Our data indicate that internal consistency reliability coefficient (Cronbach's α) and criterion validity coefficient were 0.94 and 0.83, respectively. These data suggest that our proposed instrument for ”stress” is acceptable.Conclusion: Our proposed measuring questionnaire for stress evaluation for new-coming nurses is useful, and reliable. However, it is recommend that further studies be made in order to improve the stability of instrument.
