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Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis: A Case Report and Literature review



A 2-month-old male infant without relevant disease presented with a 7-week history of intermittent projectile nonbilius vomiting after bottle-feeding of formula. Other symptoms were non-specific. Although feeding was difficult, his body weight gain was good. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed pyloric hypertrophy; this led to a diagnosis of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (IHPS). He also had a family history of epilepsy, duodenal ulcer, and vesicoureteral reflux; however, the patient himself had none of these diseases and none of his family members had IHPS. Fredet– Ramstedt pyloromyotomy was performed; it resulted in symptom relief. His clinical presentations were mild and body weight gain was normal. There were no peristaltic waves, no obvious pyloric mass palpable without sedation, and no specific findings on a plain abdominal radiograph; this was not consistent with the findings of usual cases in the past.


一位二個月大的男嬰,間歇性於瓶餵配方奶後有噴射狀無膽汁嘔吐已七週。無其他特殊症狀,且體重增加正常。腹部超音波顯示幽門肥厚,並診斷為幽門肥厚型狹窄。在家族史方面,有癲癇、十二指腸潰瘍及膀胱輸尿管回流;但病人本身無這些疾病且其他家人並無幽門肥厚病史。此病人在接受Fredet - Ramstedt 幽門肌肉切開術後症狀解除。他的臨床表現較溫和、體重增長正常、理學檢查無明顯蠕動波或摸到橄欖核狀物、腹部X光無異常發現;與過去典型表現不同。
