  • 期刊


Regional Economic Integration in Taiwan: Challenges and Prospects




Regional economic integration is a special economic entity formed by neighboring countries or political entities through entering into an agreement. This process allows countries to encourage trade between neighbors by conducting certain policies. It also removes all barriers or restrictions regarding products, services, and manufacturing elements in an attempt to integrate products and services with the market. Countries with economic advantages do not necessarily benefit from this regional economic integration. The economies of scale and competitiveness of these countries can possibly reduce the preferential margin in the region, increase cost of the production, and destroy the balanced development outside the region. Moreover, excessive dependence on trading profits can probably lead to the fall of global trade liberalization. From the perspective of global allocation, the most pragmatic approach for Taiwan is to join Asia-pacific economic circle through regional economic integration. However, signing free trade agreement covers both economic negotiation and political strategies. It is important for Taiwan to diminish political and social barriers while marching toward economic liberalization. The first priority for Taiwan to participate in Asia-pacific market will be to attract multinational enterprises to establish regional headquarters in Taiwan. This requirement also becomes a trend for any country which wishes to take part in regional economic integration during globalization. With proper use of regional economic integration, it can maintain domestic products' competitiveness in the international market as well as ensure Taiwan's market interest regardless of political situation and security pressure. On the other hand, high tariff and trade and investment transfer can also lead to serious consequences if cares are not taken care of properly.


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