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The Effectiveness of Multiple Reading Strategy Instructions on Summarizing Ability and Reading Comprehension




Reading comprehension is the capability of retrieving important data from text and further understanding, interpreting, and applying such data. Reading competence is fundamental to the learning of all academic subjects in school. The multiple reading strategy instructions this research adopts integrate the forms of predicting, questioning, summarizing, and text structure. This study employs the quasi-experimental non-equivalent pre-test/post-test design with the aim at practically building students' summarizing and reading comprehension abilities via structured and procedural multiple reading instructions of a Chinese textbook. The subjects of this study comprise two normally grouped 5th grade classes in eastern Taiwan. The independent variable is the experimental instruction treatment, the dependent variables are summarizing post-test and reading comprehension, and the co-variables are summarizing pre-test and reading comprehension pre-test. The data are processed by one-way ANCOVA. The findings indicate that the experiment group performs better than the control group in both the summarizing test and reading comprehension test. This result demonstrates that multiple reading strategy instructions effectively enhance both reading summarizing and comprehension abilities.


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