  • 期刊


The Impacts and Implications of International Practicum on International Literacy and Teaching Profession: A Case Study of X University


臺灣教育部於2016年開始推動職前教師國際教學實習計畫,至今尚無由職前教師之觀點對其進行探究。本研究目的在於透過個案研究探討職前教師參與國際教學實習對其教學內容知識(Pedagogical Content Knowledge, PCK)的影響,並以臺灣X大學為個案。研究採用半結構式訪談為資料蒐集方法,蒐集職前教師之觀點,有助於解析國際教學實習實踐所產生之影響。本研究有以下三點研究發現與結論:一、國際教學實習對職前教師的教學知識產生積極、正向的影響;二、完善的國際教學實習制度設計,有助於促進職前教師高層次的思考;三、國際教學實習時間長短影響職前教師學習效益。整體而言,國際教學實習能有效提升職前教師PCK能力,並具有關鍵影響。據此,本研究進一步對教育主管機關未來在推動職前教師國際教學實習計畫時,提出以下三點建議:一、建立政策檢核機制;二、完整規範國際教學實習規定;三、深化國際教學實習影響。本研究除作為推動職前教師國際教學實習政策修訂之參考,亦可進一步作為師培機構未來推動職前教師國際教育培育策略之重要依據。


In 2016, the Ministry of Education initiated the international teaching practicum program for pre-service teachers, but there lack relevant studies to explore the participants' feedback on this initiative. The purpose of this study is to explicate the potential influence of the international teaching practicum experience on the pedagogical content knowledge of pre-service teachers through a case study at X University in Taiwan. This study used semi-structured interviews as the data collection method to gather the pre-service teachers' opinions and to analyze the impact of international teaching internship practices. Three research results of this study are as follows. 1. International teaching practicum had various positive impacts on pre-service teachers' PK. 2. International teaching practicum experience enhanced the high-order thinking of pre-service teachers. 3. The length of the international teaching practicum affected the richness of pre-service teachers' learning experience, and there was some positive influence of learning from international teaching practicum on participants' pedagogical content knowledge. Based on the findings of this study, this paper puts forward three suggestions: 1. establish a policy evaluation mechanism, 2. provide a more detailed guideline of ITP, and 3. deepen the influence of international teaching practicum among pre-service teachers. Those suggestions can serve as a reference for revising the international teaching practicum policy for pre-service teachers in Taiwan and further serve as an important reference for promoting the international education cultivation strategy for pre-service teachers in the future.


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