  • 期刊


The Implications and Implementation of Communicative Translation Teaching


翻譯研究(Translation Studies)一直晚至廿世紀下半期才蓬勃發展,漸次獨立成為一門學科。但現時的翻譯教學在理論研究和實務方法上仍深受外語教學領域的啟迪和影響。尤其因文法翻譯教學法(Grammar-Translation Method)之影響所致,形成由教師主導(teacher-fronted)的翻譯教學方式,學生的學習往往顯得被動無趣,也常因譯文不易達到教師的標準而備感挫折。有鑑於此,愈來愈多的翻譯教學研究者和教師提倡有別於傳統作法的另類翻譯教學法,其中如Kiraly(1995, 2000)、Colina(2003)等人就倡導與溝通式外語教學法(communicative language teaching)密切相關的溝通式翻譯教學法(communicative translation teaching)。溝通式翻譯教學法是奠基於建構論(constructivism)的教學觀,強調以學生為中心(student-centered),協助學生發展翻譯的知識和技能,讓學生意識到翻譯是兩種文化溝通的過程,而非只是兩種語言規則詞彙的機械式互換。因此本文旨在為國內現行的大專翻譯教學提供理論基礎,論證以建構論為翻譯的教學觀、以溝通式教學(communicative method)為翻譯教學法,而翻譯教學技巧則包含小組合作學習、同儕討論互評、網路教學平臺以及任務教學等,期望能作為國內翻譯教師在教學上之參考,以促進翻譯教學之多元發展,並提升學生學習翻譯之成效。


The academic discipline of Translation Studies has witnessed unparalleled growth since the late twentieth century. However, the theoretical insights and pedagogical methods of translation teaching are now still deeply influenced by the discipline of Foreign Language Teaching (FLT). In particular, the traditional teacher-fronted translation classroom usually creates a passive and boring learning experience for students. They often feel frustrated when they are required to emulate their teacher’s version of a translation and fail to do so. To turn this situation around, more and more translation researchers and teachers have called for alternative methods of translation instruction. Kiraly (1995, 2000), Colina (2003) have suggested applying communicative translation teaching which can help students autonomously develop knowledge about and skills in translation. Thus, this paper proposes to lay a theoretical basis of constructivism for teaching translation in Taiwan’s colleges, with the use of communicative translation as a teaching method. Meaningful tasks that have communication as their main objective such as cooperative learning, peer tutoring, and on-line learning platforms should be implemented as teaching techniques. It is hoped that this communicative approach to translation instruction can provide translation teachers with more constructive insights in their classrooms and benefit learners to enhance their communicative competence in translation.


廖柏森(2008)。使用 Moodle 網路平臺實施筆譯教學之探討。翻譯學研究集刊。11,163-186。
