  • 期刊


Interpreting the Translation of Toponyms in the French Version of A Dream of Red Mansions From the Angle of Metatextuality


本文以李治華和雅克琳娜.阿雷紮伊(Jacqueline Alézaïs)翻譯的《紅樓夢》法文全譯本中地名翻譯為研究對象。首先,從傑拉德.熱奈特(Gérard Genette)的「元文本性」視角,提出地名的「元文本」擁有多種形式,其中包含「元地名」;然後簡述地名的翻譯概況,並引入米歇爾.巴拉德(Michel Ballard)提出的地名與所指的8種關係,按照「元文本性」強弱,將8種關係,歸納為5個級別,其中前4級體現了「元文本」的多種形式,第5級「元文本性」為零,不屬於地名的「元文本」;從而最終提出,將巴拉德的8種關係中的6項框定為地名的「元文本」,總結出6項具體翻譯策略和兩種翻譯界限,以期對中華典籍法譯提供借鑑。


This study is based on the translation of toponyms in the famous Chinese novel, which was itself translated into French by Li Tche-Houa and Jacqueline Alézaïs as Le Rêve dans le Pavillon rouge. Inspired by the ''metatextuality'' theory of Genette, the article argues that the ''metatext" of toponyms might involve several forms, one of which is the ''metatoponym." Here the author sets out to review the literature on the translation of toponyms, and to present Ballard's eight ''relations to the referent," further divided into five degrees according to the salience of metatextuality. Specifically, the first four degrees belong to the spectrum of ''metatextes," while the fifth is excluded as it lacks "metatextuality." Thus, all of the eight ''relations to the referent" could be further condensed into six translation strategies and two extra-translation taboos. These strategies might be more generally useful in the translation of classical Chinese works.


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