  • 期刊


Cultural Phenomena of Globalization: Cultural Symbiosis and Creative Industry


全球化體系的發展已然是不能逆轉的革命性變革,其內涵包括了思想、哲學、政治、經濟、科技、藝術及文化各層面。從功能角度而言,儘管全球化的動能是「全球一體化」的過程,但是,從價值層面來看,全球化應該是「全球地方化」的文化整合型式。所以,就如康德(Immanuel Kant)的本體論所言,全球化的本體特質是由理性功能程序和多樣性價值內涵統合而成,是科技與文化的共生、物質與精神的共生(symbiosis),而不是帝國主義形式的機制。共生思想是一種流動的多元平衡理論,任何的生存狀態都是短期的、對立的、容他的動態平衡;它既包括了主流的核心價值,也保留著非主流的核心價值,更重要的是建構中間領域的空間。共生秩序是由多元性的機能網絡所形成;是一種遵循生命原理的非線性、無中心、多面向、各部分具有自我意識能量相互聯結的全球性網絡體系。本質上,與共生思想相互輝映,文化具有自我能量的生命力。各種文化將在進化、流動、對話、妥協及相容的過程中完成共生的秩序;既要對自我的歷史文化做重新解讀,也要發揮面向未來的智慧,從異質文化提取象徵符號,融入自我而共生,以創生新文化。所以,全球化時代將提供文化產業展現魅力的機運。從文化產業發展的歷史來看,文化產業包括文化的產業化和產業的文化創意化:前者指的是文化的經營引進產業機制,包括科技的運用及經營體制的建構,以擴大文化產品的價值和利潤,而後者乃在於推動工業商品的文化加值。如果依發展階段來分隔文化產業的特性,傳統意義的文化產業發展剛好隨著文化帝國主義而逐漸體制化;「文化創意產業」則是受全球化體系運作的衝擊而形成。當年法蘭克福學派反對文化的產業化,應該是有幾分道理的;當文化被商品化之後或將文化作為商品的加值工具,文化的特殊性本質就逐漸失去。然而,就因為如此,商品化的文化也產生了模糊空間,使其容易與異質文化互為共生,迎合了「文化創意產業」的時運。「文化創意產業」的經濟目的乃在於增加工業產品的附加價值,既具有文化產品的美學特質,且可透過複製,進行統一規格、大量生產,又有工業產品的擴張性,可以透過市場行銷,提供大量消費。另一方面,「文化創意產業」也擔負了文化的功能,將各地的特殊性文化透過全球經濟網絡傳輸到他者文化的地區。


The globalization has been an irreversible revolutionary change, which covers dimensions of philosophical, political, economical, technological, artistic and various cultural levels. From the aspect of its function, globalization is the process of global-unification, but from the aspect of its value, globalization is the cultural combination of global-localization. As far as Immanuel Kant's ontology is concerned, the ontological feature of globalization is the integration of rational process and diverse values. It is the symbiosis of technology, culture, material and idea, not the mechanism of imperial form. The idea of symbiosis is a floating and multi-balanced theory. Every being is temporary, dichotic and inclusive; it contains the values of both the mainstream and the non-mainstream. And more importantly, it constructs a space for the grey area. The order of symbiosis is formed by multivalent web, which is a non-linear, non-center global system connecting various energy of self-consciousness. In essence, culture has its life energy in itself enhanced with the idea of symbiosis. Various cultures will complete the symbiotic order in the process of evolution, floatation, dialogism, compromise and synthesis. During the symbiotic process, various cultures not only reinterpret their own histories, but also stimulate the wisdom for future development and distil cultural symbols from other cultures on the basis of their own to create a new culture. Therefore, globalization will offer a great opportunity for cultural industry. From the aspect of the history, the cultural industry includes the industrialization of culture and the cultural creativity of industry. The former refers to the industrial system being deployed in the business of culture, including technology and management system, in order to expand the value and profit of cultural products; the latter refers to the enhancement of cultural significance in the industrial products. If we divide the feature of cultural industry according to developmental status, the traditional cultural industry is becoming institutionalized along the cultural imperialism while the ”creative cultural industry” is forming upon the impact of globalization.


