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A Study of the Efficacy of a Freshman English Course to Promote Students' English Abilities in Universities of Science and Technology



The study invited each year approximately 1200 freshmen students and total four years approximately 4800 freshmen students as the study case from a national university of science and technology in central Taiwan. Also, the study analyzed the four year data for realizing freshmen average English abilities in the university and integrate students' needs to design a Freshman English Course. The course had three hours class each week and included a pre-test and a post-test. Pre-test used a TOEIC mock test and post-test was a TOEIC test for evaluating students' improvements from the course. The four research questions were analyzed by One-Way ANOVA in SPSS. The researcher wanted to realize freshmen English abilities, listening and reading abilities in the university via analysis the data. More, the study attempts to recover that English learning performances be affected by genders and different college students. According to the analysis data to design a more appropriated curriculum and teaching materials for students in the university. Eventually, the study results will be provided and shared for all English teachers, educators, English education researchers, school administrators and cram schools in Taiwan. Furthermore, the study results might be as a significant education reference.


本研究以中部某所國立科技大學學生做試驗教學,初步研究學生來源以該校大一入學的學生,學生樣本數每年約1200位,連續四年,共取得約4800位學生樣本數,本計畫將分析這四年的數據,藉此更了解學生的程度,並配合學生的需求,進而設計一年之大一英文課程,每週上課三小時,並在該英語教學課程前先實行前測,並在課程結束後實行後測,前測評量測驗採用TOEIC Mock Test英語能力分級測驗,後測評量測驗採用正式TOEIC測驗,以評量學生在該大一英文課程中英文實際能力進步幅度。此計畫教學將依據學生前測能力分班分級上課,並依照不同級別設計不同英語教材,但同一級別採統一教材、統一課綱、統一評量方式以及統一計分方法以達到評分之客觀效果。此項計畫,將設定四個研究題目,分別為:(一)分析和探討前、後測之間的差異(二)學生的表現和性別有無關係(三)分析和探討前、後測之間的聽力及閱讀成績差異(四)各學院間學生的表現有無差異。並以SPSS分析法中之ONE-WAY ANOVA檢測樣本數據資料並分析此四個研究題目,以分析並取得具體教學成效。研究者希望將分析該計畫樣本數值以了解該校新生英文程度、英語聽力及閱讀成績之差異、以及分析英文學習成效跟學院以及性別差異有無關聯。綜合以上四年平均數值,並提供一份設計過後更適合該校大一英文課程之教學課綱以及教材。聽力和閱讀成績的分析,如果閱讀成績較弱,將可開設加強閱讀能力之補救教學課程;反之,將可開設聽力加強課程。性別以及各學院間之英文學習表現差異,將可更進一步了解英語之學習和性別及不同學院別有其差異性。並進一步將本計畫研究成果提供給其他有志參與英語教學人員、教育研究者、及各學校之行政主管以利英語教學,同時提供強化大一英語教學之教育宗旨並全面提升學生之英文能力,進而增加國家之競爭力。


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