  • 期刊


Systemic Review of Pharmacotherapy for Inappropriate Sexual Behavior in Elderly Dementia


目的:不適切性行爲是老人失智症中常見的問題,而且常常造成病患送醫、加重照顧者負擔及對照顧者造成威脅。然而,老人失智症合併不適切性行爲的藥物治療因研究證據少,至今仍無明確足夠實證有效的治療方法。本文以系統性回顧方式了解失智症合併不適切性行爲目前的藥物治療。 方法:本文利用PubMed文獻資料庫透過關鍵字搜尋自1971年1月到2008年11月有關「失智症合併不適切性行爲的藥物治療」研究文獻,並由兩位精神科專科醫師進行文獻回顧。 結果:共計回顧了29篇,除了有一篇研究的目的是以「雌激素治療失智症合併攻擊行爲」屬隨機雙盲與安慰劑組對照的研究外,其餘均屬無對照組的個案報告或系列個案報告,所用藥物包含抗癲癇藥、抗失智症藥、抗精神病藥、抗憂鬱藥及荷爾蒙製劑都有治療效果的報告。 結論:老人失智症合併不適切性行爲的藥物治療有初步的治療效果。


Background: Inappropriate sexual behavior is common in elderly dementia patients. It may increase the utilization of medical facilities and impose both the burden of and threat to involved caregivers. The aim of this article was to investigate the effects of pharmacotherapy on elderly dementia with inappropriate sexual behavior by reviewing published studies. Methods: Studies published during the period from January, 1971 to November, 2008 in the PubMed database were searched, and the review of the qualified papers related to pharmacotherapy of inappropriate sexual behavior in dementia was performed by two certified psychiatrists. Results: There were 29 papers reviewed, including one on a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of estrogen therapy for aggressive behavior in elderly patients with dementia. Others are mainly about case reports and case series studies on pharmacotherapy for elderly dementia with inappropriate sexual behavior using anticonvulsants, anti-dementia agents, antipsychotics, antidepressants, and hormone agents. Conclusion: Preliminary findings of the reviwed studies indicate that pharmacotherapy for inappropriate sexual behavior in elderly dementia is effective.


