  • 期刊


The Effects of Participant-Oriented Teaching on Middle-aged and Elderly's Fall Prevention Knowledge, Behavior, and Self-efficacy


目的:了解社區中年與老年人防跌知識、行為及自我效能之現況,並探討參與式教學方案介入對社區中年與老年人防跌知識、行為及自我效能之影響。方法:採準實驗研究法,對象為臺中市某兩個鄰近社區關懷據點50歲以上之民眾,實驗組與控制組各51人。問卷信度Cronbach'sα值0.81-0.87,效度的解釋總變異量77.90%。實驗組進行連續四週教學介入。資料以SPSS 22.0版進行描述性統計及單因子共變數分析。結果:知識題平均答對率60.13%;行為改變各題平均分數4.0-4.82,總平均分數4.36;自我效能平均分數3.35-4.04,總平均分數3.68。教學介入後,共變數分析結果實驗組教學介入後,知識、行為、自我效能皆有顯著差異,參與式教學課程對此三方面皆產生正效果。結論:參與式教學方案介入對社區中年與老年人防跌的知識、行為及自我效能皆顯著提升,建議推廣本參與式教學介入課程來教育社區中年與老年人,以提升防跌之成效。


Objectives: To study the current status of and examine the effects of participant-oriented teaching on community-dwelling middle-aged and elderly people's fall prevention knowledge, behavior modification, and self-efficacy. Method: The study as a quasi-experiment finds its subjects in 102 residents aged more than fifty years old in two adjacent communities. Equally divided into an experimental group and a control group, the subjects are instructed to fill out a questionnaire. In terms of questionnaire reliability, the value of Cronbach's alpha falls in the range of 0.81-0.87; with regard to validity, the total variance explained reads 77.90%. The experimental group is intervened by teaching for four successive weeks; the data are examined by descriptive statistics and one-way analysis of covariance, using SPSS 22.0. Results: The average correct ratio of questions related to knoweldge emerges to be 60.13%. The average scores fall in the range of 4.0 to 4.82 per question (total average 4.36) in the category of behavior modification and 3.35 to 4.04 per question (total average 3.68) in the category of self-efficacy. With the teaching intervention, the analysis of covariance shows a significant difference in the results of all three categories of questions, thereby indicating the positive effect of the intervention based on participant-oriented teaching. Conclusions: Participant-oriented teaching appears to be capable of greatly enhanching the fall prevention knowledge, behavior modification, and self-efficacy of middle-aged and elderly people. Participant-oriented classes should therefore be incorporated as an integral part of fall prevention education for community-dwelling middle-aged and elderly people.
