  • 期刊


Appreciating the 20^(th) Century Metal Sculpture through the Lens of Lao-Chuang Aesthetics




Taoism puts great emphasis on leading a simple life as well as mediating to reach emptiness, tranquility and sitting in oblivion that are critical for understanding and experiencing the greatest state in the human lifetime in Taoism- forgetting about the self and the external world and becoming united with the heaven. This philosophy is somehow similar to what metal sculptors are pursuing, mainly refining the artistic conception during the design stage, dialectically and repeatedly chasing after purity both in forms and quality, and finally, creating an perfect artwork of self-realization. Taoism often views all changes in the world as constant inconstancy that flows perpetually. It is like seeing everything in front of us as a gigantic organic life community that is though complicated and in chaos but orderly, forming a distinct and natural principle of the cycle of life. If we draw a parallel between "tao", meaning the rule in Chinese, of harmonious coexisting of all creatures and the aesthetic value pursued by metal sculptors, then the practice of thinking calmly in Taoism is very similar to the artists' attempts of keeping a distance from the metal materials during the contemplation stage in order to attain a perfect and well-balanced result via exercising pure aesthetics and mature skills naturally. Lao-Chuang's aesthetic emphasis coincides perfectly well with the abstract form of contemporary metal sculpture, whereas the creative method of improvisational and directly welded sculpture work of contemporary metal sculpture also straightforwardly echoes the notions of flow and spontaneity of Taoism's cosmic life. That is why the artwork could be so rich and full of oriental humanistic ideas. In this paper, the authors listed the artists and their metal sculpture works that have been directly or indirectly influenced by Cubism, Constructivism and Futurism in the 20th century art movements. The author also discussed the aesthetic perspectives of these works echoing the philosophical ideas of Taoism.
