  • 期刊


The Study of Marketing Strategy and Analysis of Customer Satisfaction in Fishery Products of the Tourism Industry-A Case of Penghu Box Net Breeding Cobia Marketing


澎湖地區的海洋資源豐富,然而對於海洋資源的應用僅限於傳統漁業,再加上水產養殖是需要勞力密集營運方式,並無法反應於最初的生產成本之上;再者,我國在加入世界貿易組織(WTO)之後,必需引進創新之行銷策略,再結合創新的行銷手法,使消費者獲得最直接的產品資訊與最便捷的銷售服務。 基於上述之研究背景,本文主要探討目前澎湖地區箱網養殖業在水產品行銷策略的作法,收集產品(Product)、價格(Price)、通路(Place)與促銷(Promotion)等(以下簡稱行銷4P)策略相關文獻:首先選取十二位專家諮詢水產品行銷4P的項目,調查其優先順序。另用問卷調查法以專家共識的行銷4P組合十九項目來探究批發商及個體消費者的重視度與滿意度。 經資料分析及研究發現歸納研究結果於下三點:1.水產品銷售可鎖定高等教育的白領消費族群,在台北、高雄及三個科學園區成立門市直銷。2.使消費者信賴認證商品,可以獲得直接、便捷的產品資訊與安心、可靠的銷售服務。成立會員俱樂部目前並無急迫性。3.透過十二位專家對於水產品行銷4P的考量項目依序爲產品策略≧價格策略≧通路策略≧促銷策略。 要永續經營須重視水產品品質爲首要。諮詢確立4P行銷組合如下:1.產品策略:針對不同族群設計出不同的水產品,但都有認證標記。2.定價策略:依照消費者購買性質及水產品不同部位及種類做差別訂價。3.通路策略:除在台北、高雄及科學園區設立行銷專賣據點外網路行銷是主流。4.促銷策略:結合公共關係報導及節慶活動促銷效果極佳。 最後,依據上述結果作成建議,以提供箱網養殖業在擬訂水產品行銷策略之參考及後續研究的方向。


Penghu is rich of oceanic resources, however, the application of them are limited in traditional fishing- selling in fresh, boiled, preserved, etc. The sale price is not high, and profit is constrained by labor and distribution cost. In addition, after joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), To improve industry identity- box net breeding industry, increase its competition, and decrease its cost, an innovated marketing strategy, information technology, and logistic system is needed. As mentioned above, the purpose of this study is to identify marketing strategy of box net breeding in Penghu. Reviewing literature, regarding 4P analysis, was applied to propose marketing strategy. Besides, to increase research validity, the study also applied questionnaires survey, based on literature review regarding 4P which composed of 19 marketing mixes, were used to seek advice from customers' and box net breeding retailers' satisfactory and level of importance regarding to fishery market. Finally, the study invited 12 panels to identify items of 4P. Based on data analysis, the study reached three conclusions: 1. hite collars with higher educated are targeting customers. Meanwhile, it suggests that build direct sale points in Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Hsinchu Science Park. 2. Providing reliable identity and easily accessible information and service is important. The establishment of membership is not urgent. 3. According to 12 panels’ discussion, the priority of 4P is product strategy and followed by price, distribution, and promotion strategy. Moreover, regarding 4P analysis, the study revealed four further findings: 1. Product strategy: product is with an identity card, and diversities of product are based on variables. 2. Price strategy: price difference is in compliance with region and specie. 3. Distribution strategy: targeting customers are mainly located in Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Hsinchu Science Park. Internet marketing is the mainstream too. 4. Promotion strategy: the combination of media reported and special events are prominent promotion strategies. Finally, the finding of this study will provide substantial suggestion to box net breeding industry in planning marketing strategy and further research.


