  • 期刊


The Exploration of Community Identity through Tourism Development in Post-disaster Aboriginal Community




This study explores post-disaster aboriginal villages build up sense of community through tourism development which has seldom noticed in post-disaster tourism studies. The purpose of this research is to enhance the understanding of relationship between sense of community and tourism development in Rinari Haocha community that had experienced three relocations due to two natural disasters. By using participate-observation and in-depth interview with stakeholders in community, the findings revealed that tourism development in Haocha has considerable contribution to residents’ cohesion and sense of identity, namely ethnic identity, community identity, self-identity, and industry identity, which can simultaneously have a catalytic effect on mutual interactions and assistance among the residents and tourism industries, and thus foster the community sustainability. It is believed that the findings could enhance public awareness and respect for divergent sense of community and serve as the basis for a study of post-disaster sense of community and resilience.


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