  • 期刊


Digital Photogrammetric Model-based Building Reconstrution


三維城市空間資訊系統將隨著科技的進步及都市化的發展顯示其重要性,然而建置三維城市資訊系統之最大難題是空間資訊的收集,尤其是建物資訊。所謂建物重建是運用航空攝影測量技術收集都市建物三維空間資訊,建物重建是一項複雜的工作,運用目前的航測技術,每一項資料都得籍由人工逐點以立體量測連線而成,是測繪的瓶頸。為提升建物重建之效率以利三維城市空間資訊系統之建置,本文提出半自動化模型式建物重建法(Model-based Building Reconstruction)來獲取建物資訊,其概念是先建立房屋模型,以半自動程序選擇適合的模型並改變模型的形狀和方位與影像套合,符合最佳套合的模型即為建物的空間資訊。其作業程序是先以CAD圖形描述法來建立房屋模型的向量圖,然後將航測立體影像(或多重疊影像)引入CAD系統中,使得操作者能依據影像中要測繪的房屋選擇相應的房屋模型,來與影像套合。套合時採互動的半自動模式,先由操作者依據測繪目標的外型選定適合的房屋模型或其組合構件模型,然後將模型拉至影像區域進行互動式的概略套合,最後系統將對區域進行影像特徵的萃取,並進行模型與影像特徵之最佳套合。此種結合CAD、攝影測量與影像處理技術的建物重建系統將脫離傳統立體觀測繪圖的概念,房屋資訊的獲取不再是一點一點數化而得,而是一件一件的房屋模型與影像套合而得,如此不但可大量減少人力需求,且所得的資訊更適合於建立三維成市空間資訊系統。


There is an increasing request for 3D data on city objects of all kinds for urban design. An information system dealing with such kind of data is called 3D City Spatial Information System, or 3D City Model. Nowadays to acquire 3D information in urban areas still is costly. In the long run to reach the cost-effectiveness, the key issue is how to improve the degree of automation. This paper proposes a semiautomatic process for 3D building acquisition from aerial images, which is named Model-based Building Reconstruction. First, complex building are modeled by a combination of volumetric primitives called Building Models, which can be described in a CAD system. Various automated modules support the operator to fit a selected building model to its corresponding images. A building reconstruction process is completed when the optimal model-image fitting is obtained. The promotion of this object-by-object city model reconstruction will obsolete the traditional point-by-point digitization mapping process. The process results in 3D volumetric primitives, ready for further analysis in GIS or for visualization purposes in combination with automatically extracted texture.


