  • 期刊


Establishment of Cadastral Revision Survey Method after 921 Earthquake


臺灣中部地區於1999年9月21日凌晨一時四十七分發生芮氏地震規模7.3地震,造成該地區土地隆起、斷裂、扭曲、錯開等嚴重變形或位移,以台中市災區土地為例,經檢測顯示絶對位移高達7公尺,東西向壓縮約4公尺、南北向伸長約30公分,造成地籍圖經界線與實地現況嚴重不符。本文重點在於探討九二一震災地籍圖修正測量(Cadastral Revision Surveying)面臨問題,及如何運用地理資訊資料(Geography Information System, GIS)於災區地籍圖修正測量作業上及其所扮演的角色。 本研究成果顯示,土地坵塊相對位置位移於地籍測量相關法規公差範圍內者,則視為未變動的特性,依此劃分災區之土地可分為未變動之土地、斷層帶上經過之土地、及斷層帶週邊之土地等三種土地,可將災後土地之複雜性簡化,且可配合坐標轉換方式,進行地籍整理。


The central area of Taiwan happened an earthquake at a Richter level of seven at 1: 47 A.M. on September 21 of 1999. It caused the land to deform and displace seriously. The Da-keng area, at the east of Taichung City suffered about seven meters maximum of absolute movement. The east-west direction compresses about four meters, and the south-north direction elongates 30 cm approximately. It causes the cadastral boundary not to be in accordance with current situations. The purpose of this study is primarily to Discuss the 921-earthquake cadastral revision surveying and the problems to be faced. In addition, how to use the before-earthquake geographic data to cadastral revision surveying is discussed. The study shows that by analyzing the area of land parcels after earthquake the land parcels can be categorized three types, (1) non-deformation (2) deformation but within a tolerance, (3) deformation. The second type can be simply solved by coordinate transformation, and the third type is solved by the specifications of the after-earthquake re-establishment laws.


