  • 期刊


Land use Analysis at An-Ping Street during Japanese Rule


1894年(光緒20年;明治27年)清日甲午戰爭爆發,清廷戰敗依馬關條約將臺灣、澎湖永久割讓與日本。1895年(明治28年)日本統治臺灣後,為施行民政,於1896年(明治29年)由議會通過徵收地稅,經實施的結果效益良好。為進一步釐清地籍,以建立完整之土地資料,明瞭權屬關係,增加稅收,鞏固財政,需進行土地調查,而辦理土地調查得從土地測量開始,遂於1898年(明治31年)成立「臨時臺灣土地調查局」澈底清理。 本文利用上述辦理土地調查時所測繪之地籍圖及土地臺帳(地籍清冊),探討安平的發展過程、不同時期的空間分布、日治時期安平街之土地使用情形,同時比較荷據時期(1625年)規劃之熱蘭遮市鎮與日治期間(1941年)規劃但未實現之都市計畫彼此間的關係。


In 1894 The First Sino-Japanese War, fought between Cing dynasty and Meiji Japan officially, broke out. The result of the war both belligerent sides signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, under the treaty Taiwan and the Pescadores (Peng Hu) Islands was ceded to Japan in perpetuity. After Japanese government landed in Taiwan in 1895 (Meji 28) in order to carry out civil administrations the Council passed through the law to collect land tax in 1896 (Meji 29). As this plan was beneficial result in practice. Further more, for arrange cadastre, set up land information, to know the relation of ownership, increase tax income and strengthen finance the authorities consider land investigation is the first proceeding and process land investigation mast start out from land surveying. In 1898 (Meji 31) the ”Temporary Taiwan Land Investigation Bureau” was established so as to check up completely. This paper use cadastral map surveying by Temporary Taiwan Land Investigation Bureau and land ledger search for development of An-Ping, analysis land use during Japanese rule period, also compare relationship with the urban planning formulation in 1625 by Dutch and an un-realize plan formulation in 1941 by Japanese.


