  • 期刊

開源地理資訊系統Quantum GIS於地政領域之應用及分析

Application and Analysis of Quantum GIS in Land Administration


土地行政在資訊化以後開始運用電腦紀錄地籍資料及歷史沿革,但目前仍多侷限於文字、數字甚至是紙本的表現方式,無法迅速且直覺地探索資料,使得如此巨量的地政資料無法發揮更大功效,此時即需一套強大且高效的管理方式,將圖資效益最大化。因此本研究選擇運用開源地理資訊系統(Quantum GIS)輔助管理內部業務資料,以及安卓系統程式(QField)支援外業現勘查報,並統一圖資格式,將數字及文字檔案藉由地理資訊系統以圖像方式呈現出來,達到內外業高度整合與圖文合一的目的,全方位應用於地政各項業務,進而達成查詢、展示、管理、分析、輸出等目標。尤其地理資訊系統提供的線上資源、空間統計分析、圖徵數化、影像疊合、製作地圖及行動載具加值應用等功能,更讓地政同仁如虎添翼,也為地政業務上的輔助帶來革命性的改變。本研究將地理資訊系統強大之功能,如數應用於地政相關領域,未來亦能推廣應用於其他具有公產管理需求之單位,不但大幅降低作業時程,同時還能確保成果品質,建立更快捷便利之作業環境。




After informationization, land administration began to use computers to record registrations, measurements, land prices, and other cadastral and historical evolution data. However, most of these systems are still limited to expression through words, numbers, and printed material, so it is not possible to explore data quickly and intuitively. It is a greatly to be regretted that such a large amount of land administration data cannot be made use of more effectively. Therefore, a strong and highly integrated management method is now needed in order to advance more advantageous application of cadastral maps. In view of this, we have chosen to integrate the relevant land administration data using an open-source geographic information system (Quantum GIS) to display numerical and textual files in images so that the text and numbers can be combined with numerical maps through a mathematical model to achieve a unity of graphics and text. Application will be made to all aspects of registration, measurement measurement, land prices and other work of this department with a view to achieving the objectives of inquiry, display, management, analysis and output. In particular, online data resources, spatial statistical analyses, feature numberings, image overlays, map production, mobile carrier value-added applications, and other functions provided by the geographic information system will significantly increase the efficiency of our colleagues in this department, and usher land administration visualization into a brand-new era. This project applies the powerful functions of the geographic information system to the field of land administration, reducing work times while ensuring the quality of results and establishing a faster and more convenient operating environment.


