  • 期刊


Improving Constipation in Patients at Terminal Stage: A Pilot Study on the Efficacy of Using Abdominal Meridian Massage with Essential Oil


背景 大約50-80%安寧病房的病人有便秘的問題。雖然多數便秘病人均使用軟便劑,但仍有病人需要灌腸或指診挖便。若便秘問題無法適當處理,病人將發生食慾不振、腹脹、疼痛,並失去自我控制。 目的 探討腹部經絡精油按摩對末期便秘病人在排便次數、排便性質、排便時的不適症狀、腸蠕動次數及飲食量之成效。 方法 採縱貫性單組類實驗設計研究法。便秘之病人接受持續6天、每天兩次(早上及下午)之腹部經絡土型精油按摩。介入措施完成後,並持續記錄病人9天的排便狀況。 結果 於2008年1月至8月在中部某醫院之緩和療護病房進行,共收案14人。結果呈現在腹部經絡精油按摩後,病人排便次數隨著措施執行天數越多有增加,但隨著措施之終止,排便次數日漸減少(Repeated ANOVA F=10.692, p=.001)。而病人排便時輕鬆順暢的比率由0%提升至36-82%,排便性質軟泥狀的比率由50%提升至64-92%;但病人的腸蠕動次數及食慾量無統計學上之差異。 結論 本研究結果呈現腹部經絡精油按摩可改善末期病人便秘的問題,可作為護理人員使用非侵入性方法改善病人便秘問題之參考。


Background: Approximately 50-80% of hospice care unit patients suffer from constipation. Although laxatives are most commonly used to treat constipation, some patients still require an enema or digital evacuation. If constipation is not appropriately managed, sufferers are at risk of appetite loss, abdominal distension, abdominal pain and loss of selfcontrol. Purpose: The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the effects of abdominal meridian massage with Marl type essential oil on defecation frequency, stool consistency, defecation-related discomfort, bowel sound frequency and oral intake volume in terminal stage patients who suffered from constipation. Methods: A longitudinal, one-group quasi-experimental design was used. Abdominal meridian massage with Marl type essential oil was applied to the patients with constipation twice each day (in the morning and afternoon, respectively) for 6 days. Bowel movement status was recorded for 9 days after the completion of the intervention. Results: Fourteen patients in a hospital-based palliative care unit in central Taiwan were enrolled from January to August 2008. Results showed that, defecation frequency increased as the number of meridian massage sessions provided increased, and decreased with intervention suspension (Repeated ANOVA F = 10.692, p = .001). The degree of relief after defecation increased from 0% to 36-82%. The percentage of stools having a 'muddy' consistency increased from 50% to 64-92%. However, no statistically significant difference in bowel sound frequency or oral intake volume was identified. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the abdominal meridian massage with essential oil intervention can improve bowel movement in terminal stage patients who suffer from constipation. Nurses may employ the intervention as a non-invasive procedure to manage constipation.
