  • 期刊


Exploration of Treatment Compliance Behaviors in Diabetic Patients Who Undergo Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery


背 景:冠狀動脈繞道術後有10-20%復發率,造成再次手術原因多為無持續追蹤治療或未能改變不健康生活型態,不但生活品質無法真正提升,更可能耗費大量醫療成本。目 的:探討糖尿病合併冠狀動脈繞道手術後病患的治療遵從行為,了解病人治療遵從行為的解釋因子,以利醫護人員協助強化病人的醫療遵從性。方 法:採橫斷性調查立意取樣方式,以北部三家教學醫院之門診糖尿病患接受冠狀動脈繞道手術患者為對象,共166位。研究工具為自擬式基本資料問卷及心血管糖尿病治療遵從性量表問卷,資料收集後以SPSS 21.0進行統計分析。結 果:研究對象出現不遵從治療行為者有34.9%,於術後1-3年最多。遵從行為以飲食控制最佳,其次為藥物遵從,改變生活型態最差。能自我照顧者治療遵從性較佳,遵從性較佳者越能執行規則運動,冠狀動脈繞道手術後時間越久治療遵從性越佳,出現藥物副作用者遵從性較差。病患個人對目前生活環境的滿意程度、手術後時間以及是否出現藥物副作用,為治療遵從性行為的重要解釋因子,達統計上顯著意義(F=4.039, p=.046)。實務應用:醫療人員應提供返家後飲食控制之相關資訊,協助整個家庭的飲食行為的改變,促使病人藉由飲食控制建立健康的生活模式,另應讓病患瞭解與配合疾病控制必需的藥物應定時服用,建議病患改變生活型態方式,取代非必要的藥物治療,共同訂定可達成的運動計畫,以提升生活環境的滿意度,進而幫助病患自我強化治療遵從行為。


Background: Coronary artery bypass surgery has an average recurrence rate of 10 to 20%, which generally results in the need for a reoperation and keeping close track of treatments and unhealthy lifestyle indicators. This situation negatively impacts the quality of life of patients and increases the costs of medical care. Purpose: This paper explores the factors related to the compliance behavior of post‐coronary‐bypass diabetes patients and develops a model to improve the healthcare and medical compliance of this population. Methods: This cross‐sectional study used convenience sampling to recruit diabetes patients who had received coronary artery bypass surgery at one of the largest medical hospitals in northern Taiwan. The 166 participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire that included questions on basic demographics, type of diabetes treatment, cardiovascular health status, and treatment compliance behavior. Results: A total of 34.9% of participants were identified with poor compliance behavior. Most non‐compliance behavior began to appear at 1 to 3 years post‐surgery. Patients with the best compliance behavior performed the best in the category of diet control followed by medication compliance. Lifestyle change was identified as the least important behavior. The results show that the longer the duration since CABG surgery treatment, the better that treatment compliance behaviors were. The findings also indicate that satisfaction with living environment, length of time since surgery, and the side effects of medication explained the variance in treatment compliance behaviors in participants (F=4.039, p=.046). Implications for Practice: Healthcare workers should teach family dietary changes and control. Patients should receive education on regular medication and healthy habits. Furthermore, programs that improve living conditions may help patients comply with appropriate behavior therapy.


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