  • 期刊


The Efficacy of Using an Auricular Acupressure Program to Improve Sleep Disturbance in Cancer Patients


背景:曾有文獻探討耳穴按壓在阻塞性呼吸中止症候群、末期腎病及輪值三班的護理人員等族群可有效緩解睡眠困擾,睡眠困擾是癌症病人常見的問題,但鮮少有探討耳穴按壓對於癌症病人睡眠困擾之成效的相關研究,故引發進行研究之動機。目的:探討耳穴按壓對改善癌症病人睡眠困擾之成效。方法:本研究採前瞻性隨機實驗性設計,共收案有睡眠困擾但未接受中西醫治療者共89人,實驗組(33人)施予神門穴、心穴、枕穴及皮質下穴之耳穴貼壓,控制組(56人)則接受改善睡眠之護理指導與諮詢。運用中文雅典失眠量表(Chinese Athens Insomnia Scale, CAIS-8)於介入措施前及介入後第14、28天後持續追蹤兩組病人睡眠困擾程度之變化,以廣義估計方程(generalized estimating equation)統計法比較耳穴貼壓介入後睡眠困擾之改善成效。結果:耳穴貼壓於介入後第14天與第28天,實驗組之睡眠困擾程度比控制組有顯著改善。入睡時間、睡眠中斷、過早清醒、總睡眠時間、白天嗜睡程度、整體睡眠品質及CAIS-8總分等變項,實驗組改善程度均顯著大於控制組(p < .05)。結論/實務應用:本研究發現,運用耳穴按壓二週(含)以上,能有效改善癌症病人的睡眠困擾,此非侵入性輔助療法,可減少失眠者依賴藥物影響生活品質,值得推廣於癌症病人居家生活中。


Background: Previous studies have shown auricular acupressure as effective in improving the sleep disturbance of patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, patients with end‐stage renal disease, and nurses working three shifts. Sleep disturbance is a commonly encountered problem in cancer patients. However, related studies addressing cancer patients are scarce. Purpose: This research explores the efficacy of auricular acupressure on cancer patients with sleep disturbance. Methods: A prospective, randomized‐controlled trial was used and 89 cancer patients with untreated sleep disturbance were recruited. The experimental group (n=33) received pasted auricular magnetic beads and acupressure on the Shenmen, Xin, Shen, and Pizhixia points. The control group (n=56) received general nursing directions about insomnia only. All participants were assessed using the Chinese Athens Insomnia Scale (CAIS‐8) prior to the intervention as well as on the 14th and 28th days after the intervention. The intervention effects were analyzed using the Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE). Results: The results showed that sleep disturbance improved more significantly in the experimental group than in the control group on both the 14th and 28th days. The scores were significantly lower in the experimental group than in the control group in several aspects, including sleep induction, awakenings during the night, early morning awakenings, total sleep duration, sleepiness during the day, sleep quality, and total CAIS‐8 scores (p < .05). Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Findings indicate that auricular acupressure is an effective non‐invasive and alternative method for improving sleep disturbance in cancer patients. Furthermore, this intervention may help reduce insomnia‐drug dependence and improve patient quality of life, making auricular acupressure worth promoting to community‐dwelling cancer patients.


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